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File Extension HST

The file extension HST is associated with multiple programs and applications some of which include WordPerfect, Procomm Plus, Yahoo Messenger, and Netscape. The letters HST in the file extension stand for history, which means the file extension HST is a history file used with a variety of programs. HST files contain data and information related to the program that created the file.

If the HST file extension is related to WordPerfect, the file is a data file type that contains history files for Corel Speller and QuickCorrect which are both used with WordPerfect. WordPerfect is a word processing program that is part of the Corel WordPerfect Office Suite of applications.

HST files that are created with Procomm Plus are a various data file type that contains information related to the Procomm Plus application. Procomm Plus is a file transfer software program produced by Symantec.

If the file extension HST is associated with Yahoo Messenger, the file is a text file type that contains a history of chat logs and messages which have been delivered with the Yahoo Messenger application. Yahoo Messenger is an Instant Messaging application produced by Yahoo.

HST files that are related to Netscape are history files which contain data that describes websites which were visited online using the Netscape browser. Netscape was discontinued a few years ago, but you can still get Netscape Navigator which is one of the last versions that were produced.

How to Open HST Files

Since HST files are associated with multiple programs and applications, double click on the file to see if it will automatically open in a default program you have installed on your PC. HST files can consist of different file types, so you may already have a program which will open the file.

If the HST file is related to WordPerfect and you use Windows, you can open it using WordPerfect which is available for download on the Corel website. You can also open the HST file using any text editing program such as Notepad or WordPad for Windows, Apple TextEdit for Mac, or gEdit and Nano Editor for Linux.

If HST files are created with Procomm Plus and you use Windows, Mac OS X or the Linux operating system, you can open the files with the Procomm Plus application. Procomm Plus is available in a free trial version on the Symantec website.

If the file extension HST is part of Yahoo Messenger, you can open the file using the Yahoo Messenger application which is available for download on the Yahoo website. Yahoo Messenger is compatible with the Windows operating system and Mac OS X. You can also open this type of HST file using any text editing program. For Windows, you can open HST files using WordPad or Notepad. For Mac OS X, you can open HST files using Apple TextEdit, TextMate, or MacVim. For the Linux operating system, you can use AbiWord, gEdit, or Vim.

HST files created with Netscape can be opened using Netscape Navigator if you happen to have one of the last copies made. This type of HST file can also be opened using any text editing program as described above.