Knowledge Base

File Extension FNM

The file extension FNM is associated with Apache Lucene, which is a project that develops four main types of open source search software. The software includes Lucene Core which offers indexing and search technology based on Java, Solr, which is a high performance search server based on Lucene Core, PyLucene, which is a Python port of the Core project, and an Open Relevance Project that collects and distributes free materials for the purpose of testing and performance.

The file extension FNM is categorized as a data file type which contains field names that pertain to the Apache Lucene search engine library. FNM files are primarily related to the Apache Lucene Core project and are used for virtually any project or application that requires cross platform search capability in a text format.

How to Open FNM Files

The file extension FNM can be opened using Apache Lucene 4.2.1, which is an open source project available as a free download on the Apache website. Apache Lucene 4.2.1 is cross platform and will work across systems such as Windows, Mac OS X, and the Linux operating system. Apache Lucene is distributed under the Apache License, which allows the end user to use the software application in both open source and commercial applications.

In order to run Apache Lucene effectively, you must use Java 6 or later and install Update 1 if you are using Java 7. Regardless of the version of Java you are using, it is not recommended that you use –xxJVM (Java Virtual Machine) options since they are experimental. To prevent any bugs which can cause Apache Lucene to run inefficiently, you should use the latest updated version of Java Virtual Machine. Java Virtual Machine interprets assembled Java binary code to allow instructions for a Java-based program to be properly interpreted by a PC processor.

You can also open and view the contents of the file extension FNM using any text editing application. If you are using Windows, you can open FNM files with WordPad, Notepad, TextPad, Open Office Writer, or Microsoft Word.

For Mac OS X, FNM files can be opened using Apple TextEdit, MacroMates TextMate, BareBones Text Edit, or MacVim. For the Linux operating system, you can use AbiWord, gEdit, GNU Emacs, Nano Editor, or Vim to open and view the contents of the file extension FNM.

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