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File Extension BKF

The file extension BKF is associated with Microsoft Windows Backup Utility and Moto Racer by Electronic Arts, Inc. Windows Backup Utility is an application which is included in Windows XP and Windows NT for the purpose of backing up operating system files. Moto Racer is an arcade style game which can be installed on a PC or used with Sony PlayStation.

If the BKF file is related to Microsoft Windows Backup Utility, it is a backup file type which contains data that has been configured by Windows users for backup. BKF files are typically stored as a backup archive and can be changed to any file extension once the backup has taken place. The file extension BKF is simply a default extension which is created by the Windows Backup Utility.

Windows Backup Utility is not installed in Windows XP Home edition by default and instead, you must use the XP distribution disk and then install the utility from the added value directory. Once the utility is installed, it can be located by clicking on Start on the main toolbar, navigating to Programs, and then clicking on Accessories. Windows Backup Utility will be located under System Tools.

For Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008, BKF files which are created by Windows Backup Utility can be restored using the Windows NT Backup Restore Utility. Multiple backups are typically stored on the hard drive in the Windows NT folder under NTBackup and then Catalogs.

If the file extension BKG is associated with Moto Racer, the file is a game file type which is stored in a compressed archive format. This type of BKF files contains images, audio files, characters, objects, playing levels, and other elements which are used to run the Moto Racer game. Moto Racer is an electronic motorcycle racing game created by Delphine Software and published by Electronic Arts.

How to Open BKF Files

If the file extension BKF is created by Windows Backup Utility, you can open the files using Microsoft Windows Backup Utility which is preinstalled in all Windows XP editions except the Home edition. In the event you have Windows XP Home installed, it is necessary to follow the instructions described above to access the Backup Utility to open BKF files. In all versions of Windows XP, the Windows Backup Utility can be located by clicking on Start, navigating to Programs, and then selecting Accessories. Then you should find the Backup Utility located on the System Tools menu.

If it is necessary to open BKF files using Windows NT Backup Restore Utility, you can download the application on the Microsoft website. The Windows NT Backup Restore Utility restores backups made on Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 to PCs running Microsoft Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008.

You can also open Windows BKF files which have become corrupt using the SysTools BKF Repair software application which is designed to repair damaged or corrupt BKF files. BKF Repair is designed for use with the Windows operating system and is available in a trial version on the SysTools Group website.

BKF files which are related to Moto Racer can be opened using the Dragon UnPACKer game archive unpacking utility. Dragon UnPACKer is capable of converting BKF files to another format and provides tools that extract files to any location which is designated by the user. Dragon UnPACKer is available for download on the Elbereth Zone website and is compatible with the Windows operating system.