Knowledge Base

File Extension 3

Files that contain the file extension 3 are associated with multiple programs and applications and various file types. The programs and applications include Unix, ViaVoice, GNU Screen, and Solaris. 3 files contain data and information related to the program that created them.

If the file extension 3 is related to Unix, the file is a document file type that contains data for a manual page file which is unformatted. The manual is used for the text formatting and document processing system which is built into the Unix operating system.

The file extension 3 which is created by ViaVoice is a data file type that contains script data that is used with the IBM Embedded ViaVoice program. ViaVoice is a software application which provides speech recognition tools delivered in a wide variety of languages. The application is used with embedded devices.

3 files that are associated with GNU Screen are a document file type that contains log files which are used with the GNU Screen application. GNU Screen is a full-screen window manager that facilitates multiple processes for the UNIX and Linux operating systems.

If the file extension 3 is created with Solaris, it is a configuration file type that contains data used with the Boot Floppy Device Configuration Assistant for the Solaris Unix operating system. Solaris is a Unix-based operating system with a Graphical User Interface for x86-64 and Scalable Processor Architecture (SPARC) platforms.

How to Open 3 Files

Since the file extension 3 is associated with multiple programs and applications double click on the file to see if it will automatically open in a default program you have installed on your PC. 3 files can consist of different file types, so you may already have a program which will open the file.

If the file extension 3 is related to Unix, you must open the file using the Unix operating system since the file assists with running the text format and processing system. If you want to open and view the contents of the file extension 3, you can use a text editing program such as or gEdit and Nano Editor which is designed to be used with Unix and Linux.

3 files that are created with ViaVoice can be opened using IBM Embedded ViaVoice which is available on the IBM website. ViaVoice is compatible with the Windows operating system. You can also open and view the contents of the file extension 3 using a text editing program such as Notepad or WordPad for Windows.

The file extension 3 which is associated with GNU Screen can be opened using the GNU Screen application which is available for download on the website. GNU must be used with an FTP mirror which is available on the same website as well.

If the file extension 3 is related to Solaris, you can open the file using the Oracle Solaris operating system. Solaris is available for download on the Oracle website. Since this type of 3 file is a configuration file, you can open and view the contents using a text editing program such as gEdit or Vim.