PRC files can be associated with a variety of different programs. Some of them include Corel Presentation, WordPerfect Office Suite, PalmOS, and more recently a Mobipocket eBook file. If a PRC file is associated with Corel Presentation, it will contain data and multimedia that is part of the presentation you created with this program.
PRC files that are related to the WordPerfect Office Suite can be part of Corel Presentation or another application contained in this office suite of applications. Although Palm Pilots are an older technology, PRC files associated with it are executable files responsible for running different programs on a PalmOS.
The most recent form of the PRC file is related to eBooks and is a file created by Mobipocket. Mobipocket is a binary format which is used with the distribution of eBooks and can also have a number of proprietary extensions which are developed by the International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF). The Mobipocket eReader corresponds with eBooks created in Mobipocket or PRC format.
How to Open PRC Files
Since there are multiple programs associated with PRC files, the best way to determine how to open a PRC file is to start by double clicking on it to see if it automatically finds the default program. The older programs we mentioned above are less common but, if you happen to have Corel installed, it may open the PRC file by default. If the file is associated with PalmOS (Palm Resource Code), then it is necessary to open the file using a handheld device that runs on PalmOS.
Since Mobipocket is the most recent and most common form of PRC files, there are a number of methods you can use to open this file format. If you have a Mobipocket Reader, this, of course, is the best way to open PRC files. Or you can opt to use freeware such as FBReader which is available for download from the FBReader website.
If you run Windows, you can open and view PRC files using Amazon Kindle for PC, Cool Reader which is available on the SourceForge website, or MBP Reader which is a Mobipocket notes file extractor.
For Mac OS X you can use Amazon Kindle for Mac or Geometer Plus FB Reader which also works with Linux. The Linux operating system will also accept MBP Reader or Cool Reader which is also compatible with Android.
You may also choose to use a file conversion program to convert a PRC file to another format which can be opened and viewed by a variety of different applications. There are also websites such as Zamzar that will convert the file for you as long as it is not protected by copyright.